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All Things Color

Color As An Emotion

Even though we see color with our eyes, color is absorbed in our sin and energy and ultimately our health. I have been a Feng Shui Consultant for many years now, and what I have found is that color brings the inside of you out creating your environment on the outside of you.

For instance ~ red affects motor skills and is high intensity and sexuality, however, a little goes a long way.

Red dishes or red in the kitchen increases appetite - good for picky eaters.

Blue balances our olfactory senses and creates a sense of trust and intuition.

Yellow balances the center of our being - as the sun creates heat.

Green signifies new beginnings.

There are many other colors, but red, blue and yellow, the primary colors in either pastels or deep colors support our well being.

Since natural light is broad spectrum and incandescent is strong in red and yellow but are deficient in blue. Fluorescent light is strong in green

So taking into account light that is brought through windows in daytime affects the colors on your walls differently than when you turn on your interior lights in the evening. Interior color will also change due to season. In spring there is light green outside, Summer is deeper green. Fall is gold and red and Winter on a sunny day can be very intense light through your windows. Paint color changes in your home due to the seasons.

If you use a bright white on your walls it can be intense in the winter . However, a white that has a bit of either pink or yellow - or cream in it will work for all seasons.

Using Lavender in a bedroom brings out the beautiful in you as you wake. If there is a bathroom near your bedroom, carry it in - make it a bit lighter if there is no window.

Yellow with a bit of melon color is a wake up in the kitchen area. Sunny colors work well with your morning coffee.

Bubblegum pink is a color that dispels depression - if you work at home you may want to use it as an accent in your office.

A pale grey works well for living room with accent front door in a deep burgundy - maybe as your front door as an accent into the room.

One of the ways I help people choose paint colors is to ask what is their favorite item in the house - it can be a piece of art, a piece of furniture, a bedspread or anything that may be a favorite item. - that can start a palette for paint color.

See my next message with the rest of the colors and furniture color.

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